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About us

Helper Fairies and Friends was started from an idea to bring a little magic into the lives of children as a way of making their worlds kinder, happier and less scary. Whether it’s going to bed, having a bad day, or toilet training, there’s a Helper Fairy to help kids through life’s little challenges. Helper Fairies believe in friendship, acceptance, kindness and understanding, making them great role models for kids. Our goal is to create toys that encourage imaginative play, that also helps children learn coping skills, tolerance and the value of friendship. We also understand the challenges of parenthood, and that a magical little helper might be just the thing to help hardworking parents and guardians keep a calm and happy household. We genuinely respect that raising children is wonderful, and at the same time hard work! If our little fairies help bring a little fun, peace or joy to your day then we’re doing what we hoped to do.

We try wherever we can to minimise waste and therefore none of our products are packaged in plastic, and all are tested and meet Australian standards. 

We’re a small, local startup from Melbourne Australia and we’re learning as we go so if you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to share on how we’re going then we’d love to hear from you at info@helperfairiesandfriends.com
